I feel as if I’m walking within a great congregation. It includes pilgrims walking now and those who walked before us, back to the ninth century—what we call in our tradition the “communion of saints.”
And I feel more and more as I walk that we are all pilgrims, here, at home, and everywhere, even when we don’t think of it. We are all drawn to that which inspires… lifts us… opens our awareness. We are all finding our way. As Pierre Teilhad de Chardonnay writes, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Here are some pilgrims with whom we have bonded during this walk:
These folks are from Japan, South Korea, England, Slovenia, Scotland, Mexico, and the U.S. All of them have shared with us from their hearts. It reminds me of sharing with friends and family at home, as in our Leverett congregation. We are all on the lookout for goodness. We all yearn to share the goodness. We are brothers and sisters on the way… pilgrims!