Community Network for Children (CNC)
February, 2025
Children’s Closet The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays* (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8 a.m. to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning.
* CLOSED Thursday, February 20, during school vacation.
The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free … in December we had 22 families with 37 children, and distributed 363 diapers. We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator (978) 935-4909 or
December, 2024
Thursday CNC Children's Closet Visit us on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m.-noon. Free children's clothes, diapers and more! We are still accepting donations of coats, boots, snow pants. We could also use pants and shirts in sizes 2 and 3.
The Closet will be OPEN December 5, 12 and January 9,16, 23, 30
November, 2024
​Children’s Closet
The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months. The Closet will be open on the following Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8 noon:
•November 7, 14, 21 OPEN
•December 5, 12 OPEN
For families who cannot make a Thursday morning, call/text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator,978-935-4909orcnccoord@erving.comto make an appointment.
The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
We are located at the Leverett Congregational Church’s Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett
October, 2024
OPEN HOUSE at the CNC Children's Closet on
Saturday, October 26th from 10:00am - 1:00pm.
Please contact us if you are able to volunteer 30-60 minutes to help set up at 8:30 a.m.
or breakdown at 1p.m.
CNC Children's Closet open most Thursdays, 8am toNoon.
Message 978-935-4909 if you want to confirm
we are open or need to schedule a different time.
September, 2024
CNC Children's Closet schedule for the coming Thursdays, from 8:00am-Noon at the Dixon House and by appointment if unable to make this time:
•September 5, 19, 26 OPEN
•September 12 CLOSED
•October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 OPEN
No appointment needed on these OPEN dates to visit the Closet but you can always send us a text before you come to make sure there are no schedule changes! Call/Text 413-422-0170
May, 2024
Children's Closet Open House!
Saturday, May 18, 2024 10 a.m. --1 p.m. at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Rd., Leverett. Open to all with young children, Newborn—Elementary Age. We welcome volunteers for this event.
The CNC Children's Closet is now accepting clothing for spring and summer weather! We welcome donations of clean, non-ripped or stained clothing. We have switched over the bins and have warmer weather clothing available! The Closet is open on Thursday mornings from 8 a.m. -- Noon and by appointment if unable to make this time, Call/Text 413-422-0170.
April, 2024
The CNC Children's Closet will beclosed the week of April 15. Otherwise itwill be open on Thursdays (drop-in/noappointment needed) from 8 a.m. tonoon and by appointment as needed onother days, for families who cannotmake a Thursday morning. The FranklinHampshire area Diaper Bank continuesto supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free.We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text oremail Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 orbudine@erving.comThank you to our church community for supporting the Community Networkfor Children Children's Closet!
March, 2024
The CNC Children's Closet will be open on Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8 a.m. to noon, and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 or
Thank you to our church community for supporting the CNC Children's Closet! Gillian Budine
February, 2024
The CNC Children's Closet will be closed Thursday, February 22 because of winter break, but otherwise continues to be open on Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8 a.m. to noon and by appointment as needed on other days, for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170
Thank you to our church community for supporting the CNC Children's Closet
December, 2023
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County
We will be supporting this charity and the good work they do to ensure Franklin County families with children in need experience a truly Merry Christmas, with toys, gifts, and food. Rather than adopting one family will be supporting the effort with money they need to supplement missing gifts or food. Please donate by Sunday December 10 so we can deliver our good will in time for Christmas. We will also be collecting clean, new or gently used clothing for their clothing room, very popular with the families. All clothing must be in the church vestibule by Sunday, December 3.
Meals on Wheels
Again, this year we will be contributing the collection from the Candlelight Service to Meals on Wheels. The services Meals on Wheels offers have a huge impact on our local community. Fifty volunteers deliver free hot meals daily to those in our community who cannot prepare meals themselves. Microwaveable frozen meals provide simple meal preparation for dinner and weekends. This one act has so many benefits such as helping shut-ins beat isolation, giving their loved ones peace of mind knowing someone is checking in on them often, as well as ensuring they receive daily nourishment. More than anything, most people wish to stay in their homes as long as they are able and Meals on Wheels makes that possible.
From the Community Network for Children (CNC)
We raised $380 in gift cards for families in need of our good cheer for their Thanksgiving meals! So many families experienced amore joyous occasion because of your generosity. We will continue with donations for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop & Shop gift cards for Christmas meals. Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, December 10 so the CNC can distribute to families in time for Christmas.
Children’s Closet
At the children's closet we can always use water resistant mittens and gloves, snow pants and winter coats. Typically the most need for snow pants and winter coats are sizes 3 to 5 years of age. The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months.
The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8am to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
In September and October we saw 56 families at the Children's Closet... And another 30 families in November! We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170
December, 2023
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County
We will be supporting this charity and the good work they do to ensure Franklin County families with children in need experience a truly Merry Christmas, with toys, gifts, and food. Rather than adopting one family will be supporting the effort with money they need to supplement missing gifts or food. Please donate by Sunday December 10 so we can deliver our good will in time for Christmas. We will also be collecting clean, new or gently used clothing for their clothing room, very popular with the families. All clothing mustbe in the church vestibule by Sunday, December 3.
Meals on Wheels
Again, this year we will be contributing the collection from the Candlelight Service to Meals on Wheels. The services Meals on Wheels offers have a huge impact on our local community. Fifty volunteers deliver free hot meals daily to those in our community who cannot prepare meals themselves. Microwaveable frozen meals provide simple meal preparation for dinner and weekends. This one act has so many benefits such as helping shut-ins beat isolation, giving their loved ones peace of mind knowing someone is checking in on them often, as well as ensuring they receive daily nourishment. More than anything, most people wish to stay in their homes as long as they are able and Meals on Wheels makes that possible.
From the Community Network for Children (CNC)
We raised $380 in gift cards for families in need of our good cheer for their Thanksgiving meals! So many families experienced amore joyous occasion because of your generosity. We will continue with donations for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop & Shop gift cards for Christmas meals. Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, December 10 so the CNC can distribute to families in time for Christmas.
Children’s Closet
At the children's closet we can always use water resistant mittens and gloves, snow pants and winter coats. Typically the most need for snow pants and winter coats are sizes 3 to 5 years of age. The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months.
The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8am to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
In September and October we saw 56 families at the Children's Closet... And another 30 families in November! We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170
October, 2023
As in past years, we will be contributing food gift cards to the CNC to help local families in need enjoy holiday meals. We are asking for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop & Shop cards. You can donate cash in church for Claudia Gere, Mary Hankinson or Beth Raffeld to purchase gift cards for you. You can also donate online at https:// (CNC in comments section).
Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, November 12 so the CNC can distribute to families in time for Thanksgiving. We will continue to ask for food cards into December to help with Christmas meals.
Children’s Closet
At the children's closet we can always use water resistant mittens and gloves, snow pants and winter coats. Typically the biggest need is for snow pants and winter coats, sizes 3 to 5 years of age.
The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months. The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays (dropin/no appointment needed) from 8 to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
A family shared with us.... “They (CNC) have provided a significant amount of my child's clothing for the past two years with the Children's Closet. It doesn't feel like charity either, it feels like a place for local families to share and reuse perfectly nice clothing. I love it.”
We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 or Thank you to our church community for supporting the CNC Children's Closet!
September, 2023
CNC will be holding an Open Closet event on Saturday, September 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
FREE children's clothes (newborn -14 yrs.), books, shoes and more! We welcome clean donations of fall/winter clothing, winter and puddle boots, coats, snow pants, wool underclothes, mittens and other warm clothing.
At the Dixon house. Rain or shine
Regular Children’s Closet will be open Thursdays 8 a.m. to Noon.
FREE children’s clothing, diapers, baby items, and information.
At the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text Gillian Budine 413-422-0170.
June, 2023
The Community Network for Children Closet is open on Thursdays from Noon-4:00 p.m. by drop-in or appointment. FREE children's clothing, coats, hats, diapers, books, and more! The CNC Closet will be closed starting June 22nd and will reopen on July13th. Please check in about a time to visit by contacting Gillian Budine by email,, or calling/texting at 413-422-0170. Drop-in available but best to check in case there is a change in schedule. CNC Children's Closet is located in the Dixon House (church parsonage), 4 Montague Rd, Leverett.
Currently there is a Diaper Drive to support our local United Way Franklin and Hampshire County area diaper banks. The CNC Closet is one location that benefits from these donations. If you would like to donate you may drop off diapers or donations to support purchase at the Children's Closet in the Dixon House, contact Gillian to make arrangements, or use the link on the flyer (
May, 2023
Community Network for Children
CLOTHING SWAP, Saturday, May 20, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone welcome rain or shine. Come for FREE clothes, newborn to elementary age. Warm weather clothing donations accepted–must be clean and in good condition.
Swap located behind the Leverett Congregational Church, 4 Montague Rd, at the Dixon House. Questions? Contact Gillian Budine,, 413-422-0170 call/text.
OPEN HOURS at the CNC Children's Closet, Saturday, May 20, 10 2:00 p.m. Come to SHOP for FREE clothing (newborn–elementary age). Donations of clothing in clean, good condition, accepted. The Children’s Closet is located behind the Leverett Congregational Church, 4 Montague Rd, at the Dixon House. Questions? Contact Gillian Budine byemail,, or calling/texting at 413-422-0170.
CNC Children’s Closet. Can’t make the OPEN HOURS day? The Community Network for Children Closet is open on Thursdays from Noon-4:00 p.m. by drop-in or appointment. FREE children's clothing, coats, hats, diapers, books, and more! Please check in about a time to visit by contacting Gillian Budine byemail,, or calling/texting at 413-422-0170.
Drop-in available but best to check in case there is a change in schedule. CNC Children's Closet is located in the Dixon House (church parsonage), 4 Montague Rd, Leverett.
July-August 2022
Community Network for Children (CNC)
The CNC office and programs will be on break beginning June 27 and will resume a summer schedule on July 11. CNC staff can be reached by email, phone call, text (413-422-0170) or message away! Please reach out with any questions!
After July 11, The CNC Children's Clothing Closet is OPEN by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4 p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then please contact them to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn to elementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need some to get them through the month. They can distribute a package of diapers to families once a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather.
Please contact them to reserve a time to visit, call/text (413) 422-0170.
June-July 2022
The CNC program will be on break June 27 - July 11
The Children's Closet is OPEN by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4 p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then please contact them to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn to elementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need some to get them through the month. They can distribute a package of diapers to families 1x a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather. Please contact them to reserve a time to visit, call/ text (413) 422-0170.
Approximately 20 families attended the CNC Children’s Clothing Closet OPEN HOUSE at the Dixon House this past May. With warm weather around the corner, many took advantage of the free clothing available and the camaraderie of other families with young children. UCC One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Your generous OGHS donations of $415 will help support Ukrainians in their effort to maintain their independence, as well as providing support for the many refugees, draughtstricken areas of Africa, and many other area of need around the world.
May 2022
Community Network for Children (CNC)
The CNC Children's Clothing Closet NEW HOURS—The Children's Closet is OPEN byAPPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then pleasecontact the CNC to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn toelementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need someto get them through the month. They can distribute apackage of diapers to families 1x a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather. Please contact them to reserve a time to visit,call/text (413) 422-0170.
CNC Open House
Mark your calendars for the CNC Children’s Clothing Closet OPEN HOUSE, May 21, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Dixon House, 4Montague Rd., Leverett, to be held outside. Cancelled if raining. Come for FREE clothes. Warm weather clothing donations accepted—must be clean and in good condition. Open to all with young children, Newborn—Elementary Age. Questions? Contact Gillian Budine,Budine@erving.comor413-422-0170 call/text.
April, 2022
The CNC Children's Clothing Closet
The Children's Closet is OPEN by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays or other times if needed. They have LOTS of clothing all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need some to get them through the month. They can distribute a package of diapers to families 1x a month. Currently CNC is accepting warm weather clothing — newborn through children's size 14 — that is clean and in good condition. Please call to reserve a time to visit, call/text (413) 422-0170.
Mark your calendars for the CNC Children’s Clothing Closet OPEN HOUSE, May 21, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Dixon House, 4 Montague Rd., Leverett. More details next month. CNC is a program of Erving School Union #28 of which Leverett Elementary School is a member, under the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. CNC has been in partnership with the Leverett Congregational Church since 2019 for its use of the Dixon House. .
=== 2021 ===
CNC FREE Clothing Swap 9/25, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thursday visits The Community Network for Children Children's Closet is continuing to schedule visits for families to the closet at the Dixon House most Thursdays from 8 a.m. to noon. We typically have 3-6 families every Thursday by appointment.
Our next Outdoors Open Closet will be on Saturday, September 25, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
All are welcome to "shop" for free for colder weather clothing and back to school clothes. The opportunity to visit the closet on the weekend assists families who are working or can't attend on a Thursday morning.
In addition, we continue to receive diaper donations from the Hampshire/Franklin Area Diaper Bank and can distribute diapers to individual families once each month.
Thank you for the continued support and access opportunities for families in Leverett and surrounding communities. CNC’s full program appears on page 9.
I am available for any questions or comments and to sign families up for our weekly updates. Contact by email at or call/text 413-422-0170. Information can also be accessed on the CNC Website
or FaceBook page
— Gillian Budine, Coordinator Community Network for Children